Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where I Saw Art Today

An earthen smell rises in the parking lot still wet from the rain, an unexpected warmth nudges on my back.  The sun must be slipping through the clouds.  And, all I see is color standing in the entrance of the green house. 

Love, Love, Love,

The quite is filled with a mixture of bright colors and a perfume Egyptian Gods would have exchanged for kingdoms.  

I am here at the green house picking up Lantanas; these are wonderful flowering plants which starts in May and end around October. They come in variegated oranges, yellow or blue and have one season of glory. 

 Quite a delightful side gig for an artist!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An Artist Coalition for All

BWAC Spring Pier Art Show
May 7 - June 12 2011
weekends from 1-6 PM

This is one of the small art bays on the first floor.

The Artist Coalition 
(Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition) 
has been promoting, exhibiting, and honoring artist for well over 30 years.  I joined them 4 years ago and will never forget the first time I visited.  The entrance to the pre-war brick building is on the very point of Red Hook over looking the Hudson. 
The Sun was out in its fullest glory and Lady Liberty bathed in her rays.  All this beauty and I haven’t even entered the Spring Opening show!  
The inside of the building was huge, just huge! There were at least 15 foot ceilings, 5 big spaces downstairs and 6 long very wide walkways upstairs.  At this opening there were all kinds of people to mingle with, all kinds of art to feed your soul, and a great blue-grass band originally out of New Orleans to lift your spirit even higher.  I felt like I stepped back in time to a little  child like peace when everyone’s art was encouraged, the whole was committed to the organization's mission, and all are made to feel welcome very unique in the art world.

Went fishing by Susan Handwerker

Right now the Spring Show is hanging and it is called
BWAC Spring Pier Art Show

May 7 - June 12 2011
weekends from 1-6 PM

Tick Tock by Richard Todd

which refers to two artists collaborating on a work of art; sculptors and mixed-medium artists, poets and photographers, photographers and painters, and so on.   And, on the first floor the featured artists are students from the Fine Art Department at Edward R. Murrow High School of Brooklyn.  There is no distinguishing these students' work from the rest of the show.  Visit for more about the show.

Above, a video of building a tree instillation by Myra Kooy

Monday, May 9, 2011

Eve's Urban Dream

Click on the image above to play the Video!

Eve's Urban Dream
A tree grows in Brooklyn

The Eve of something new
 all things are birthed out of something
that existed prior 
the big bang
completely resemble something new
sprigs of new growth
and even
unexpected births.
the obvious
Eve the mother of All

A video of the building and of the installation:
click below!
Eve's Urban Garden Video

When constructing this tree, I was really only clear about the size.  I wanted it so big so that even a tall person could walk into it and feel as though they were entering into a new environment; hence the windows which also reflect the viewers' image.  But with this project, as with most, I gather and prepare all my materials, making sure that I have more than I need and have a general sense of how I am going to connect these material / the technical stuff.  Then I plot out a substantial amount of time and let it flow most of the time. The work seems to build it self & I just bounce back and forth between the materials and the creation and every once in a while have to stop, breathe, take a sip of water and dive back in.  The finished art work is always a surprise and I will work on it till it pleases me. 

Spring Letting Go

It's a New Day!