Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Great Reward: A Reception

I don’t believe that it has been a week and a half since the opening reception of the “Out of the Woods” exhibition.  It is one thing to go to gallery openings and another to be one of the featured artists.  There was a time that gallery hopping openings provided my dinner, a glass of wine and conversation in an interesting environment.  (Note that the dinner of cheese crackers and free libations were very critical.)  But I digress.  Upon entering the exhibition space, a wave of good cheer filled the sense, jazz, food, wine all in the presence of nature coming to life as Art.

Most of the attendees I have known for many years, and to my surprise they did not realize the multiple levels to my art.  I have come to realize that saying I am an artist is not something that has a clear definition like a doctor or teacher.  Even in art, there are understood titles like 'ceramicist', 'landscape painter' or 'figurative sculptor,' but a string of words like, mixed-medium, repurposed objects, assemblage sculptor, painter, crafter, lyricist, impressionist, abstract and folk artist all are also a part of ones definition. Saying, “ I’m an artist” is easiest. 

 The reception was three hours; just a perfect amount of time.  It is funny to me how many hours of work, phone calls, transportation, imagination, negotiation, money, tools, and compassion go into creating a 3-hour celebration.  And, yet driving home that night there was nothing more that I could have asked for-it was just perfect.  I thank all of those who came out to support Judith Peck and I at the “Out of the Woods.” Exhibition Celebration.  What a great reward this reception has been for me!          

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