Friday, March 25, 2011

Art for Art

Art for Art
To be enjoyed
She Rises

Sunday, March 20, 2011


"With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate and the wisdom to be humble.  Courage is the foundation of integrity," Keshavan Nair.   The two people that have inspired me to create this exhibit are this kind of courageous and they are my black biological grandmother 90 and my white adoptive father 80.  They continue to inspirer and are still active participants in their communities.   The visual art and poetry I will present on April 9 at Center City Galleries in paterson NJ is broken down in two parts, "My Father's Land" and "My Grandmother's Stories."  Paterson is very significant because of the extensive community service that both my grandmother and father have continually offered there.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ninety Degree Angle

It can be wonderful when the universe steps in and throws a ninety degree up hill angle in your path.
Of course, at the time your body / mind don't see it that way. 
I was riding a wave in and out of the studio creating  assemblage art that was bringing smiles to my face.  Examples can be found in earlier blogs.  Than the lovely studio space had to be let go, in the middle of creating the April art exhibit for Center City Galleries in Paterson NJ.  My first response was, "How am I going to make the artwork I need for the show? ( all preconceived in my head — very dangerous)

I was forced to come out of my single direction Artist Head / vacuum, and allow new ideas to flow.  And, once the door was open flow baby, flow, they are still flowing!  I invited a fabulous artist Judith Peck to join in the show, (check out her web-site).  Our work really compliments each others and now I'll be on the walls and Judith Peck's sculpture will be gracing the floor.  The show will be visually dynamic.  This is my first time out of the box (a little pun) and Judith brings with her a wealth of knowledge that goes far beyond the physical art work.
More sharing real soon,
Peace and Much Love All,